The main causes for ear pain are ear infections

The main causes for ear pain are ear infections, swimmers ear, otitis media, ear pain from diving and ear pain on flights, you can find bellow a list of ear related articles.


ear infection

21/10/2008 17:39
Mommy just started her new job two weeks ago. Mommy comes home sick to her stomach with frightening stories of how the “animals” at her workplace are shot as soon as they injured their legs. They are then sent to the zoo to be fed to tigers and lions. These “animals” are considered the most expensive commodity at her company and they live with this “luxury”...

Understanding The Causes Of Deafness

10/10/2008 18:09
When it comes to understanding all of the different causes of deafness, one must realize that there are two basic types of people with deafness who end up using deaf sign language. There are those who were born with it and have never experienced sound before in their life and then there are those who ended up becoming deaf later on into their childhood or...

Brits warned of 'swimmers ear' risk

10/10/2008 17:35
Brits contemplating taking a dip in a swimming pool to cool down from the summer sun have been warned about a condition called 'swimmers ear'. Research has found that swimming pools can often be places in which bugs and bacteria can thrive and as a result swimmers can often get a painful outer ear infection which is known as swimmers ear, from the unclean...

Ear Tubes Reduce Infections, Review Concludes

08/10/2008 14:12
Once again, your baby is spiking a fever and tugging at his earlobe, obviously in pain. Your pediatrician confirms what you already knew: another middle ear infection. Only this go-around, instead of taking a “wait and see” approach or prescribing antibiotics, she suggests it might be time to turn to tubes. Ear ventilation tubes reduce or eliminate ear...

6 Ways to Curing Dog Ear Infection

07/10/2008 12:15
A dog can be plagued with any type of infection on any area of the body, but usually yeast infection affects a dog’s ears more than any other part of the body. I guess it is because of how the ear is positioned; it is close to the head and if not properly cleaned can develop an infection.   Dogs that have floppy ears don’t get enough circulation and...

Avoiding ear tube surgery

07/10/2008 11:42
My 3-year-old son has had three ear infections over the past two months. First, he got a cold and then had a fever. I took him to the doctor, who said he had an infection in his left ear; he was given amoxicillin. A week later, his fever returned and I took him back to the doctor. The left ear was better, but his right ear was infected and we were given a...

Manipulation and echinacea for middle ear infection

06/10/2008 11:11
Among the more common complementary therapies used in young children with recurrent otitis media are Echinacea purpurea and cranial osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). This study, by researchers at the University of Arizona, is the first well-designed study of each treatment. First, the details. 90 children, aged 12-60 months with recurrent...

What is Adult Ear Infection?

03/10/2008 12:38
Adult Ear Infection Though adults are not affected as frequently as children, it is important for adults to be aware of how adult ear infection can affect them. Adult ear infection is caused by infection in the Eustachian tube, near the inner ear. The Eustachian tube connects the inner ear to the nasal passages in order to drain fluid from the ears and...

What is Swimmer’s Ear?

03/10/2008 11:30
What is Swimmer’s Ear? Swimmer’s ear is an inflammation of the ear canal and eventually an earlap, occurring in people who often have wet ears. It occurs mostly in children and teenagers who spend a lot of time in water, but also in persons who sweat a lot or have skin diseases. Symptoms of Swimmer’s Ear  Common symptoms...

No interaction was found between echinacea and OMT

03/10/2008 09:22
Recurrent otitis media is a common problem in young children. Echinacea and osteopathic manipulative treatment have been proposed as preventive measures, but have been inadequately studied. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of Echinacea purpurea and/or osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for prevention of acute otitis media in...

Otitis Media (ear infection)

01/10/2008 12:58
In simple terms, otitis media is an ear infection. It is inflammation of the inner ear, often caused by moisture which gets collected in the ear or by minor injury to the ear canal. The moisture often collects after swimming or bathing. Often allergies cause liquid to build up in the ear. Injuries often occur with hard impact with water or careless or...

Doctors speak out about earwax

28/09/2008 11:31
Well, it's about time that earwax got the respect those white coats at the American Academy of Otolaryngology believe it so richly deserves. For years – nay, centuries – people have done everything imaginable to rid themselves of the viscous and vaguely disgusting buildup in their ear canals. From the 16th century earwax spoon to the trusty Q-tip to...

Ear Infection in Dogs

26/09/2008 11:46
Ear infection, no matter how mild, requires a veterinarian's attention. While some infections can possibly heal on its own, the vet should always be consulted so that the right treatment therapy is provided to your pets. The cure of dog ear infection should start the moment it is diagnosed. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. Ear infection is one health...

Hay fever causes body pains in kids

24/09/2008 12:18
A new study has found that children who suffer from bouts of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) are at an increased risk of suffering from headaches, facial pain, and ear aches. Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens. Patients usually suffer from...

Sudden hearing loss: Immediate care needed to save your hearing

24/09/2008 12:02
Loss of hearing — especially if it happens suddenly — is not something you should ignore. “If you wake up and your hearing’s gone, you need to see a doctor right way, particularly if you also have dizziness or pain in the ear. Those are predictors that it’s a little more severe,” said Dr. Joseph Allan, an otolaryngologist with Willamette Ear, Nose and...

Guidelines On Cleaning Ears Released

21/09/2008 11:24
Some 12 million people a year seek medical treatment for impacted earwax. Now, the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation is releasing clinical guidelines on the management of earwax impaction. The guidelines suggest that patients and doctors keep in mind that earwax, technically known as cerumen, is a beneficial, self-cleaning...

Ear infections soaring in day care

21/09/2008 11:10
EAR infections are rampant among Australian children attending day care centres who are developing a resistance to antibiotics, medical experts say. Seven out of 10 children contract at least one case of severe ear infection by their first birthday. Fifteen children suffer permanent hearing loss every year as a result. The common ailment is costing the...

14 Natural Remedies for Earaches

21/09/2008 10:29
Having an earache is a real drag. Having a child with an earache is even more challenging. It can mean sleepless nights and irritable days for all of you. An ear infection is one possible cause of that ache, but even if it isn’t an infection, a buildup of wax or dirt in the ear can still be extremely uncomfortable. And flying on a plane or driving to a...

Reasons To Skip Antibiotics For Ear Infections

21/09/2008 10:16
As a mother of a little girl, I know that when it comes to your child and pain or illness, there is an overwhelming urge to “do something” to relieve their suffering. As ear infections become more and more pervasive among children, so does the concern over antibiotic resistance. Here are 5 reasons NOT to use antibiotics when your child gets an ear...

Middle Ear Infections

17/09/2008 12:07
Next to the common cold, ear infections are the most commonly diagnosed childhood illness in the United States. More than three out of four children have had at least one ear infection by the time they reach 3 years of age. To understand how ear infections develop, it's important to first understand how the ear works. A Close Look at the Ear Think about how...

How to Prevent Ear Pain in Flight

17/09/2008 11:08
If you are taking a plane trip with your child, there are steps you can take to ease the child's pain and discomfort from air pressure changes. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids during the flight. Water is best, but make sure the drink doesn't have caffeine. If the child usually has ear pain associated with plane travel, give the child a...

Ear Infection in Dogs

13/09/2008 13:27
Ear infection, no matter how mild, requires a veterinarian’s attention. While some infections can possibly heal on its own, the vet should always be consulted so that the right treatment therapy is provided to your pets. The cure of dog ear infection should start the moment it is diagnosed. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. Ear infection is one health...

Health, Ear Infection remedies

13/09/2008 13:26
Ear Infectiion is a blockage of the auditory tube in the middle ear that causes bacteria to build up and resulting in an infection. Ear infections are usually treated with antibiotics. It occurs due to the presence or growth of bacteria or virus in the ear. Earache refers to the inflammation of the middle ear or the outer ear. It usually occurs due to cold...

Tips for Treating Ear Infections Naturally

13/09/2008 13:11

Antibiotics overused in otitis media

11/09/2008 21:18
"I am sick of hearing about the over prescribing of antibiotics by GPs - not only for acute otitis media but for all other indications. How often have I given the spiel of not using antibiotics for this and that only to have the patient come back two or three times eventually with a complication from an untreated bacterial infection. Take your dog to the...

Ear disease costs Australian health system millions

10/09/2008 21:14
The latest economic study into the impacts of middle ear disease has found the annual bill to the Australian health system runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Access Economics has researched the cost of "Otitis media", commonly known as ear disease, finding more than seven out of 10 children will have at least one case of the disease before their...

Spotting The Causes Of Deafness

08/09/2008 10:21
Causes Of Deafness When it comes to understanding all of the different causes of deafness, one must realize that there are two basic types of people with deafness who end up using deaf sign language. There are those who were born with it and have never experienced sound before in their life and then there are those who ended up becoming deaf later on into...

Dos Antibiotics really work?

07/09/2008 10:06
Here's an example of a joke that would crack up most doctors: a report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in the US confirms that there's a major difference in how to treat kids with ear infections. If you treat them with antibiotics, they improve in a week, but if you don't give them antibiotics and just let nature takes its course, they...

Dogs Ear infections

07/09/2008 10:05
Does the smell of your dog's ears arrive in the room before he does? Does he keep you up at night shaking his head and digging at his ears? He likely has an ear infection.   Understanding canine ear infections won't just make your dog more comfortable or even help you sleep. Their early diagnosis and treatment can prevent a lifetime of ear...

Teenager almost deaf after waiting too long for ear drum surgery

04/09/2008 19:29
in the latest bungle involving an Australian hospital, a teenage boy in Tasmania has reportedly waited so long for surgery to repair his perforated ear drum that he is almost deaf. Though 15 year-old Jeremy Brewer had been listed as a category one case by the hospital, three and a half years down the line he is apparently still waiting for surgery. The...

What Is that wax??

04/09/2008 19:27
IRRIGATING ears can put clinicians in hot water, but new earwax impaction guidelines from the US aim to limit treatment complications. Ear, nose and throat doctors from the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation have issued new clinical guidelines on cerumen or "earwax" impaction, published in the journal Otolaryngology – Head...

Does your doctor recommends Ear tube surgery ?

03/09/2008 14:55
If you have ever had an earache, you know that the excruciating pain is unbearable. If you have children, or even know anyone with children, you have no doubt heard the complaints and woes of repeated ear infections. 80% of children suffer from ear infections, known in medical terms as Otitis Media. How many times have you taken a crying child to the...

What are the 5 common illnesses cause school absence

02/09/2008 19:00
etting sick, especially in the first months of school, doesn't necessarily mean your child's immune system is unhealthy. It takes a while for the body to build up immunities to common viruses. Most of your child's illnesses will be minor. When should you keep him home? When should she see the doctor? The Mayo Clinic lists five illnesses as the top causes of...

Link found between schizophrenia and middle-ear disease

02/09/2008 18:55
New research suggests middle-ear disease could increase people's vulnerability to developing schizophrenia. The study, published in the September issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry shows a greater association between middle-ear disease and schizophrenia than was found in a similar study carried out in 1995. This latest study also shows an...

Guidelines On Cleaning Ears Released

01/09/2008 08:58
Some 12 million people a year seek medical treatment for impacted earwax. Now, the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation is releasing clinical guidelines on the management of earwax impaction. The guidelines suggest that patients and doctors keep in mind that earwax, technically known as cerumen, is a beneficial, self-cleaning...

Avoid Swimmer's Ear

01/09/2008 08:50
If Michael Phelps and Dara Torres have inspired you to hit the pool, let me warn you about an unwanted side effect of spending lots of time in the water — swimmer's ear. When your ear is exposed to excess moisture, (whether you're swimming or bathing), water can stay trapped in your ear canal. Then the skin inside your ear can become soggy and begin to...

Can ear infections be the cause of weight gain? Research points to yes.

30/08/2008 17:18
West Palm Beach, Florida ( – News Report) – Those who had a history of chronic childhood ear infections may be prone to craving fats and sweets, leading to overweight or even obese individuals. Taste and hearing experts researched that constant ear infections may cause severe damage to a vital taste-sensing nerve. According to figures...

Medical Edge: Plugged ears may be related to Eustachian tube dysfunction

25/08/2008 15:42
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My ears feel plugged up, similar to the effect of cabin pressure in a plane. I was referred to an ENT specialist. She performed several tests but could find nothing wrong. Allergy pills and a nasal spray haven't helped. Is there anything else I can do? A plugged feeling in your ears is usually the result of a difference in air pressure in...

Common catarrh can result in ear infection

25/08/2008 15:40
Rainy season is that which brings happiness to majority of people, especially farmers who have their crops grown, in expectation of bumper harvest soonest, but as good as it is, the season also comes with its own health conditions among which is common catarrh which can cause an ear infection. Common catarrh, simply put by Dr. Orimadegun, a Consultant...

Ear infections & obesity

25/08/2008 15:34
Parents know all too well the pain that goes along with a child's ear infection. But new research suggests those infections can actually lead to obesity. Researchers say ear infections can damage nerves responsible for taste - causing a craving for fatty foods. That of course, increases the risk of obesity. Scientists call this connection unexpected. The...

Obesity Could be caused by Ear Infections or Tonsils

25/08/2008 15:33
According to scientists, a history of severe ear infections during childhood or tonsils may increase the chances of obesity later in life. An altered sense of taste which leads to a preference for rich fatty foods is said to be increase the risk of being overweight. Five separate studies reviewed at the American Psychological Association's 116th Annual...

No More Antibiotics for Minor Illnesses, Coughs and Colds in UK

25/08/2008 15:32
Patients suffering from minor illnesses such as coughs, colds and ear infections can no longer hope for reprieve through antibiotics, as these will soon be disallowed in the UK. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the NHS drugs rationing body, has issued the new guidance in which doctors are prohibited from prescribing...

Treating Tinnitus: Neuromonics

25/08/2008 15:31
Tinnitus  Tinnitus is a condition in which a person perceives a sound, despite the lack of the noise in the environment. A common symptom associated with tinnitus is ringing in the ears. Unlike transient ear ringing, which is a common phenomenon, people with tinnitus have sustained or chronic ear ringing. Some other sounds that may be heard include...

Top five causes of missed school

11/08/2008 16:09
Children in large groups are breeding grounds for the organisms that cause illness. Here is a lineup of the top five infectious illnesses that keep kids home from school and child care. Colds Children typically have six to ten colds a year with more severe and longer lasting symptoms than do adults. The good news is that you or your child should be...

HEALTH MATTERS: Relief for sinus sufferers More than 37 million people are afflicted with sinusitis each year, making it one of the most common health conditions in America.

06/08/2008 15:57
Sinus sufferers across the country are turning to a relatively new medical procedure that uses a balloon to help provide relief from the congestion and pain that accompanies chronic sinusitis.     Balloon catheter dilation of the sinuses, commonly known as balloon sinuplasty, is becoming a popular alternative for patients who suffer from...

Swimmer's ear

02/08/2008 15:55
Swimmer's ear Water normally flows into and out of your ears without causing any problems. You can nearly always shower, bathe, swim, and walk in the rain without a problem — which is remarkable, considering how large and deep an opening your ear provides. You're protected by your ear's shape, which tips fluid out, and by its lining, which has...

How to Drain an Ear Infection

30/07/2008 09:54
Instructions Step 1: Decide if you need to take action about your ear infection. Generally, the indications for medical intervention are chronic ear fluid for more than four to six months; or more than three ear infections in six months or more than five in one year. Step 2: Schedule an appointment with a qualified ear nose and...
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